Chicken with Diced Tomato


Take five or six chicken drumsticks and wash well. Take three
medium-sized tomatoes, blanch and skin. Blend the tomatoes till
smooth. Next, heat oil in a pan and fry chicken legs till brown. Add
the tomato puree, a tablespoon of garlic paste and a teaspoon of red
chilli paste. Fold in the masala well with the chicken. Add salt and
two teaspoons of sugar. The chicken legs should be cool by now. Add a
cup of warm water and simmer in low heat till the gravy
thickens. Meanwhile, in a separate pan heat a tablespoon of ghee. Add
two tomatoes cut into medium pieces and a carrot (diced). Saute for a
few minutes, add the chicken with the gravy, stir well and
remove. Serve hot with rice.
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