Vegetable bajji


Yield 4 Servings

Measure Ingredient:

Any on the following vegetables can be used to make bajji:
1 Raw green plantain (peeled); cut into thin slices
1 Potato; peeled & sliced
1 Onion; peeled & sliced
1 Chako (chayote); peeled & sliced
Cauliflower; cut into florets
Oil; for deep-frying
1 cup Bengal gram flour (besan; chickpea flour)
1 teaspoon Red chilli powder
½ teaspoon Ground coriander
½ teaspoon Asafoetida powder
1½ tablespoon Rice flour
Salt; to taste
½ teaspoon Cumin seeds
1 teaspoon Ghee
Water; as required

BATTER To Make Batter: Sift the Bengal gram flour, red chilli powder, gound coriander, rice flour, and salt to taste into a large mixing bowl. Add the cumin seeds and ghee. Combine ingredients well. Add sufficient water to make a thick batter of pouring consistency, and beat until smooth. Peel and prepare the vegetables as necessary. Wash the vegetable slices and pat dry. Heat oil in a heavy frying pan or skillet. Dip the vegetable slices into the batter, and deep-fry until golden in color. Drain the bajjis on a sheet of brown paper or absorbent kitchen paper. Serve hot with chutney or tomato ketchup. Makes 15 - 20 bajjis.
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