Mixed Vegetables


Take two carrots, 50 gm each of beans, green peas and mushrooms, 100
gm of baby corn. Cut these vegetables into cubes and wash properly. Now
boil in two cups of water. Drain and reserve the stock. Meanwhile,
blanch one cup of shredded cabbage and drain. Blanch two ripe tomatoes
and make a puree. Heat a tablespoon of oil in a pan, add one teaspoon
of finely chopped garlic, half a teaspoon each of finely chopped
ginger and green chilies. Sauté well. Add all the vegetables, then
the stock. Cook for some time, and add the tomato puree. Fold in
well. Season with salt and a little sugar. Serve hot with steamed rice
or roti.

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Nahin Mamun said...

Your font size is different at different posts and the paragraph alignment is not proper when the font size is bigger. Can you fix this? Keep up the good job.

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